Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) 2019

Replacement of the Motor Vehicle Standards Act (MVSA) with the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) will have significant impacts on the heavy vehicle industry.

The first phase of the transition to the Motor Vehicle Standards Act finished on 31 December with the end of the opt in period for conversion of Identity Plate Approvals (IPAs) issued under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act to Vehicle Type Approvals (VTAs). Existing IPA holders can continue to produce vehicles under their IPAs until 30 June 2022 but must have a VTA in place for all vehicles manufactured from 1 July 2022. From 1 January 2022 VTA’s can only be obtained by completing a new VTA application.

The key impacts of this legislation are:

  • New requirements for obtaining approval to deliver vehicles into the Australian market including:
    • Replacement of Identification Plate Approvals (IPAs) under the MVSA with Type approvals under the RVSA
    • Replacement of Component Registration Numbers (CRNs) and Sub assembly Registration Numbers (SARNs) with Component Type Approvals
    • Revised procedures around Testing Facilities
    • Replacement of the Road Vehicle Compliance System with a new computer application ROVER
  • The introduction of a Register of Authorised Vehicles which will be a publicly accessible database containing similar data to that put on the current compliance plate along with a requirement that all road vehicles supplied to consumers will require a RAV entry before they can be registered
  • Revision to the Special and Enthusiast vehicle and other concessional schemes
  • Revisions to fees and penalties under the legislation.
  • Provisions for recalls of heavy vehicles and components

Next steps: The transition period will end on 30 June 2022, and the new legislation will be fully operational from 1 July 2022.

Please Contact HVIA’s National Manager Policy and Government Relations, Greg Forbes 0437923755 for further information.

In December 2018 the Commonwealth Parliament passed legislation to replace the MVSA with the RVSA. The original date for this legislation to take effect was 10 December 2019.

As part of the consultation process HVIA has expressed concern over the impact of the legislation on industry.

In early July 2019, at the request of HVIA and other industry bodies, the Government introduced a Bill into Parliament to delay the implementation date.

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development (The Department) is expecting that the Bill will go through the Parliament in July.

Now that the Bill has gone through Parliament, the RVSA will come into effect some time before 1 July 2021 at a date to be set by proclamation.

The key impacts of this legislation are:

  • New requirements for obtaining approval to deliver vehicles into the Australian market including:
    • Replacement of Identification Plate Approvals (IPAs) under the MVSA with Type approvals under the RVSA
    • A requirement for existing IPA holders to migrate their IPAs to Type Approvals within the first 6 months after the implementation date.
    • Replacement of Component Registration Numbers (CRNs) and Sub assembly Registration Numbers (SARNs) with Component Type Approvals
    • Revised procedures around Testing Facilities
  • The introduction of a Register of Authorised Vehicles which will be a publicly assessible database containing similar data to that put on the current compliance plate along with a requirement that all road vehicles supplied to consumers will require a RAV entry before they can be registered
  • Revision to the Special and Enthusiast vehicle and other concessional schemes
  • Revisions to fees and penalties under the legislation.
  • Provisions for recalls of heavy vehicles and components

The current Motor Vehicle Standards Act (MVSA) will be replaced with the Road Vehicle Safety Act (RVSA) over the next two years.

The legislation was passed by the Parliament in late 2018 and the rules were published in early 2019. The original implementation date for this legislation was 10 December 2019.

In June 2019 HVIA wrote to the Department  expressing concern over the proposed timetables in the legislation and the problems both the Department and industry would have in meeting these timelines.

In response in early July 2019, the Government introduced a Bill into Parliament to delay the implementation date.

The exact timing of the legislation will be set by proclamation but must be before July 2021.

This change in the legislation will have substantial impacts on the heavy vehicle industry and it is important that HVIA members have an understanding of the impact of the legislation on their business.

The key areas where the new legislation will have an impact are:

  • All manufacturers or importers who currently are required to fit compliance plates to vehicles will also need to load the information currently on the compliance plate into the new Register of Approved Vehicles. The Department has published a guide to the data formats that the information needs to comply with along with processes for loading the data. (see here)
  • Manufacturers/importers will need to have systems in place to load the data into the RAV by 10 December 2019 or the vehicles they produce will not be able to be registered.
  • Manufacturers/ Importers will need to convert any approvals they currently have under the MVSA to approvals under the RVSA. The process for undertaking this will commence  on the implementation date  (10 December 2019 or such later date as is proclaimed) and Manufacturers/importers will have 6 months to “opt in”. This will allow these vehicles to continue to be produced for another 5 years with the ability to extend for another 7 years. The Department of Infrastructure has published a discussion paper on the opt in process. (See here)
  • Manufacturers who have vehicle models approved under the MVSA but do not convert their approvals to the new legislation will only be able to continue to produce them until 12 months after the implementation date if they do not opt in.
  • Any new models of vehicle introduced after the implementation date will need to comply with the new legislative requirements of the RVSA. The Department has produced a discussion paper providing an overview of the type approvals process. (See here)
  • All Component Registration Numbers (CRNs) and Sub Assembly Registration Numbers (SARNs) will also need to be converted across the Component Type Approvals. These conversions will need to happen before new vehicle models can be approved. So far, the Department has only provided limited information on how this process will work.
  • HVIA is concerned that the processes for conversion of SARNs and CRNS may be expensive and may cause delays in getting new vehicle models approved. Current discussions with the department indicate that substantial retesting of components may be required.
  • HVIA is working with the Department of Infrastructure to cost the proposed changes and look for ways to minimise testing and reduce the cost to industry.
  • There are also changes proposed to the rules for concessional vehicles such as specialist and enthusiast vehicles.
  • Procedures around body fitment, modification of imported vehicles to comply with the ADR and inspection of these vehicles will also change.

Details of how all of these changes will happen are the subject of an ongoing consultative process with the Department of Infrastructure and need to be progressively finalised by December this year.

At this stage there are significant gaps in the forms and guidance materials available on how most of these changes will work in practice.

Latest news on RVSA

Department Updates Guidance On Vehicle Recalls

2 July 24

The Department of Infrastructure has produced a suppliers’ guide on applying for and managing “not-reporting” status for voluntary recalls


NHVR Releases Safer Freight Vehicles Standards Guide

26 June 24

The NHVR has released VSG35 which provides guidance on the safety features vehicles are required to have fitted to a heavy vehicle in order to be allowed general access at 2.55m under the Safer Freight Vehicle reforms


Feedback Sought On ROVER Portal Rebuild

25 June 24

Following the release of the rebuilt ROVER Portal on June 12, the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts is seeking feedback on the priority for improvements to be included in the next version of ROVER


ROVER, RAV Outage This Friday For Portal Rebuild

5 June 24

The ROVER Portal – the online portal for applications and approvals under the Road Vehicle Standards legislation – will be unavailable from 5pm this Friday, June 7 until 9am Wednesday, June 12 to allow for a planned rebuild


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NHVR Resolves Tow Truck Length Compliance Issue

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NVHR Webinars To Provide Overview Of Freight PASS Tool

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Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems Mandate Proposed

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HVIA Attends First Vehicle Standards Committee Meeting

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Department reschedules ROVER webinar for this Friday

5 September 23

The Federal Department of Infrastructure and Transport has rescheduled its webinar on upcoming changes to the functionality of the Road Vehicle Regulator (ROVER) administrative system for the Road Vehicle Standards Act


Next round of ROVER updates due mid-September

22 August 23

The Federal Department of Infrastructure has advised that the next updates to the ROVER (Road Vehicle Regulator) system are planned for Friday, September 8 to Tuesday, September 12.


Department finalises Recall Rectification Benchmarks

2 August 23

Now that the implementation of the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) is complete the Department of Infrastructure has published recall rectification benchmarks which are designed to promote a shared understanding of the Department’s expectations regarding recall performance.


RVSA Compliance and Enforcement Strategy

26 July 23

The Vehicle Safety Operations Branch of the Department of Infrastructure has released the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) Compliance and Enforcement Strategy 2023-26.


RVSA transition complete – where to next?

5 July 23

We are now into the new financial year and the transition process from the Motor Vehicle Standards Act to the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) is now complete; all vehicles entering the Australian Market must comply with the RVSA rules from now on.


HVIA welcomes the simplification of ROVER applications

28 June 23

The Department of Infrastructure has advised that it will remove the need for applicants to attach an extract or complete copy of UN approval documents to their applications.


Warning – One Month to Go – MVSA end date in sight

26 May 23

The Department of Infrastructure has recently circulated the latest guidance material as the end of the transition from the Motor Vehicle Standards Act (MVSA) to the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) transition approached.


ROVER – outage reminder and new guidance released

12 April 23

Members are reminded that ROVER and the Register of Approved Vehicles (RAV) will be unavailable from 4 pm AEST on Friday 14 April until 9 am AEST on Tuesday 18 April 2023 while the Release 8B upgrade takes place.


Proposed Recall Rectification Targets

1 March 23

The Department of Infrastructure has proposed benchmarks for recall rectification to provide “suggested timeframes for industry to progress and complete voluntary recalls.”


ROVER Release 8A and RAV outage

25 October 22

UPDATED – The ROVER outage is now from 4 pm AEDT on Thursday 3 November to 9 am AEDT on Tuesday 8 November 2022. The RAV will be unavailable 12 pm AEDT on Thursday 3 November to 9 am AEDT on Tuesday 8 November 2022.


Rover outage next week for implementation of upgrade

6 July 22

The Department of Infrastructure has announced that ROVER will be unavailable from 4 pm AEST Wednesday 13 July to Monday 18 July to allow for the implementation of Release 10.


Is cloning ROVER the answer to VTA delays?

7 June 22

During the latest round of State committees one of the Road Vehicles Standards Act problems  HVIA has been discussing with members has been the problems caused by slow processing of VTA’s and variations.


RVS transition period extended

6 April 22

The Road Vehicle Standards (RVS) transitional period has been extended by 12 months until 30 June 2023, the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications has advised.


RVSA Industry Webinar #10 presentations

16 February 22

Presentations from the RVSA webinar facilitated by the Department of Infrastructure on Wednesday 2 February 2022 are available for download.


New RVSA guidance videos now available

15 December 21

The Department of Infrastructure has released a video of their webinar covering Low ATM Trailers. Presentation slides are also available.


ABN is key to resolving VTA opt-in rejections

3 November 21

Vehicle type approval “opt-in” applications are now being processed more efficiently thanks to the use of applicants’ ABN.


RVSA videos, webinars and issues portal

27 October 21

The Department of Infrastructure has created a YouTube channel with videos regarding the RVSA. The first one covers the opt-in process for Vehicle Type Approvals.


Department urges early VTA opt-ins

13 October 21

While VTA opt-ins are technically available until 31 December, the Department of Infrastructure is urging vehicle manufacturers to get their opt-in submissions in before 1 December to ensure they are processed in time.



25 August 21

The Department of Infrastructure is hosting fortnightly webinars with key industry peak body representatives to address queries about the operation of the Road Vehicle Standards legislation now it has been fully implemented.


ROVER how-to videos other important RVSA and RAV info

4 August 21

The Department of Infrastructure has just released new guidance material for the RVSA including determinations, three ROVER “how to” videos, three new guides and information on assessment times for various transactions.


Clarification on vehicle marking requirements for Heavy Trailers under RVSA

28 July 21

HVIA has obtained a quick response from the Department following an anomaly spotted by an HVIA member.


RVSA in place but work still required

6 July 21

The Road Vehicle Standards Act is now in force and will increasingly play a large role in the activities of many HVIA members.


ROVER has been let off the leash

1 July 21

The Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) has gone live this week following a much delayed, somewhat controversial development, and serious concerns about its ambitious rollout.


Updated VTA guide in preparation for RVSA go-live

30 June 21

The Department of infrastructure has updated the Guide to Vehicle Type Approvals in preparation for the RVSA going live tomorrow.


Get in your CTAs and plan for your VTAs

23 June 21

With the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) going live next week, HVIA’s Greg Forbes urges members to ensure they submit draft Component Type Approval applications by Friday.


ROVER system outage

9 June 21

Draft CTA applications will be deleted when ROVER is offline from COB 25th June to prepare the system for full Road Vehicle Standards Act commencement on 1 July.


RVSA Sessions Issue Summary

21 April 21

Last week HVIA ran two in-person sessions in Melbourne covering Component related and Vehicle related issues and repeated these sessions in online sessions run out of Brisbane on 15 April.


Implementation team lined up to address RVSA

17 March 21

The Department of Infrastructure has released two new guidance documents the Guide to Vehicle Type Approval Opt-in Arrangements and the Guide to Vehicle Type Approvals.


The countdown is on – RVSA Checklists

10 March 21

HVIA has prepared guidance material in preparation for the introduction of the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) on 1 July 2021.


Pieces falling into place for RVSA implementation

3 March 21

HVIA’s review of the latest releases in the Road Vehicles Standards Act (RVSA) shows that the transition is coming together, however there are still critical procedural areas yet to be unveiled.


Have you checked the boxes for the RVSA implementation?

24 February 21

The Road Vehicle Standards Act goes live in 4 months; manufacturers of vehicles and suppliers of parts need to make sure they are prepared.


Infrastructure updates on ROVER and RVSA

27 January 21

The Department of Infrastructure has added functionality to the Component Type Approval sections of the Road Vehicle Regulation (ROVER) system to allow users to vary, suspend or revoke their approvals.


Have you got your RVSA implementation plan ready?

20 January 21

All heavy vehicle manufacturers need a plan for the Road Vehicle Standards Act implementation.


RVSA implementation – Interim arrangements for RAWs and SEVS

7 January 21

The Department of Infrastructure has written to industry associations regarding transition arrangements for the Registered Automotive Workshops (RAWs) scheme and the Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles Scheme (SEVS).


ROVER release 3.0

6 January 21

The Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) implementation team has been busy over the past few weeks preparing to deploy ROVER 3.0 to production.


Road Vehicle Standards Act Draft Determinations

15 December 20

The Department of Infrastructure has released a series of draft determinations on issues relevant to the Road Vehicle Standards Act implementation.


Government commences work on AVV scheme

18 November 20

The Department of Infrastructure has commenced working through the details of the proposed Authorised Vehicle Verifier (AVV) Scheme.


Time to get serious about the RVSA implementation

11 November 20

HVIA has urged members to sort out their plans for the implementation of the Road Vehicle Standards Act.


Component Type Approvals changes are a win for industry

8 July 20

After almost 12 month of negotiations lead by HVIA, the Department of Infrastructure recently revised its approach to Component Type Approvals. At an industry consultation meeting on Monday afternoon HVIA and key industry stakeholders praised the Department for responding
positively to industry concerns.


New timeline for RVSA changes

10 June 20

The Department of Infrastructure has just updated its RVS legislation implementation webpage, which includes a new section on our stakeholder commitment and a link to a revised RVS Legislation Program Roadmap calendar.


Testing facility applications now open

6 May 20

The Department of Infrastructure has announced that organisations wishing to register as a testing facility under the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) should be able to submit applications from Wednesday 6 May 2020.


Component Type Approvals papers released

22 April 20

The Department of Infrastructure has released two documents explaining how Component Type Approvals will be managed under the new Road Vehicle Standards Act which will come into force next year.


Next round of RVSA consultation commencing soon

14 April 20

The Department of Infrastructure has announced that it will be releasing some additional Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) guidance material for review within approximately the next week.


Is your evidence good enough?

6 March 19

Members who holds an approval under the the Motor Vehicle Standards Act for Vehicle, a Component (CRN) or a Sub Assembly (SARN) should undertake an audit of the evidence used to obtain the approval.

HVIA’s Greg Forbes says that changes set for implementation in the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) from December this year will …


The Road Vehicle Standards Act is coming

28 November 18

HVIA National Manager Policy and Government Relations Greg Forbes says that the new Road Vehicle Standards Act legislation is in its final stages in Parliament and is expected to take  effect from late 2019 and be fully in place by late 2020.

In particular, truck manufacturers, trailer manufacturers and component suppliers need to understand the implications …


Please Contact HVIA’s National Manager Policy and Government  Relations, Greg Forbes 0437923755 for further information.

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