ROVER how-to videos other important RVSA and RAV info

The Department of Infrastructure has released new guidance material for the RVSA including determinations, three ROVER “how to” videos, three new guides plus information for various transactions.

HVIA’s National Manager Policy & Government Relations, Greg Forbes, said the information is all important for heavy vehicle manufacturers.

“Manufacturers need to understand these processes when considering whether they will decide to opt-in,” Mr Forbes said.

“In particular, the guide to ‘Applying to Vary a Type Approval’ is important because it outlines the interim process that the department has put in place until the functionality to vary a type approval is available in ROVER.”

RVSA section 6 determinations

Two new determinations under the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 (RVSA) came into effect on 1 July 2021. Links to determinations are available on the guides and resources webpage.

New ROVER how-to videos

  • How to apply to opt-in a vehicle type approval
    If you hold an identification plate approval under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989, you can apply to ‘opt-in’ to the Road Vehicle Standards legislation if you meet the RVS criteria. This video shows you how.

New guides and resources

  • Applying to vary an approval
    This guide explains the application process for varying an approval, including interim arrangements while ROVER functionality is developed for these applications.
  • Refuse to consider powers
    This guide sets out why the department may refuse to consider an application, how to avoid that happening and what you can do if the department refuses to consider your application.

Just a quick email to advise that we have updated our Register of Approved Vehicles webpage to include a new section on Payment of type approval RAV entry charges. This new section includes a link to a template written agreement that, once signed by both the applicant and a departmental representative, will allow the type approval holder to pay for RAV entry charges after vehicles have been entered on the RAV (with periodical invoices issued by the department for charges related to vehicles entered on the RAV since the last invoice). The template agreement is an editable PDF form that can be signed and returned to the department for counter signature. Signed agreements should be sent to our email address for processing.

I know a number of prospective type approval holders have indicated an interest in entering into such an agreement and thought you could pass this information on to your members.

Payment of type approval RAV entry charges

The Register of Approved Vehicles webpage has been updated to include a new section on Payment of type approval RAV entry charges.

This new section includes a link to a template written agreement that, once signed by both the applicant and a departmental representative, will allow the type approval holder to pay for RAV entry charges after vehicles have been entered on the RAV (with periodical invoices issued by the department for charges related to vehicles entered on the RAV since the last invoice).

The template agreement is an editable PDF form that can be signed and returned to the department for counter signature. Signed agreements should be sent to for processing.

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