This morning we are providing a quick update on matters as they emerged on Friday and across the weekend.
The Fair Work Commission is considering introducing new temporary measures (until 30 June 2020) into selected modern awards including unpaid pandemic leave and the ability to take twice the amount of annual leave at half pay. Feedback on the proposal is due today with a decision expected later this week.
The next National Cabinet meeting is set for tomorrow and will take another look at the Commercial tenancies/landlords issue with the States yet to settle on the terms of a Code of Conduct.
The free Childcare program announced on Friday is designed to make it possible for workers to continue at a time when many providers have been struggling to continue offering their services.
Cyber security is emerging as a significant vulnerability to many organisations with the number of staff working from home. We have included an article that covers some of the threats and what actions businesses should take.
We greatly appreciate your ongoing feedback and updates on your business circumstances. Keep it coming please. Usually when you are facing an issue it is something that is common to many of our members so we are very keen to share challenges and solutions.
I’ve lost count of the number of face-to-face coffees I’ve committed to when this all over, but early indications are that the tough rules now in place, physical distancing and staying at home is starting to flatten the curve, so I do look forward to catching up when we get through this. Until then, feel free to contact me at any time.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us on (07) 3376 6266 or email and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
On Friday the National Cabinet welcomed the Australian Government’s Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) relief package, recognising that the…
Previous ArticleTwo new acronyms have become prominent in our vernacular recently: first came WFH and now BAU. Many of us weren’t…
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