Type Approvals portal – user consultation

Road Vehicle Standards Act

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development (DIT) are developing a new IT system (ROVER) to support applications made under the Road Vehicle Standards (RVS) legislation.

Amongst other things, ROVER will eventually replace the current system. DIT have engaged a Solutions Architect to manage the systems usability. DIT are seeking feedback relating to offline capability of the new system:

Question 1
If you had the choice of:

An online data entry system that avoided duplicate data entry and was tailored to your submission;

  1. that could be saved and resumed;
  • that was automatically updated with any ADR changes, etc; and
  • that could be worked on collaboratively by a group of nominated people


  • continuing with something similar to the current offline data entry capability of RVCS

Which would you see as better meeting your business needs?

Question 2
How important is it for a team of people to be able to work collaboratively on an application (potentially from different locations)?

Please reply to this email with your responses, copied to robert.francis@infrastructure.gov.au – your feedback will help inform the level of offline capability we need to build into ROVER.

DIT will also be forming an industry user group to contribute to the co-design of some elements of the new system and will put out an EOI regarding membership of the group shortly.

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