On the eve of the round of HVIA State Committee meetings this month, members raised concerns regarding a recent and unannounced change to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s PBS Portal.
The change required Design Approval variants to be submitted as individual Design Approvals, each with a unique Design Approval number.
In response, HVIA added it to the agenda for all State Committee meetings Australia-wide.
After the first meeting in Victoria, the nature of the member concerns raised made it clear that immediate action was needed. Possible impacts were likely to be an immediate, exponential increase in administration and costs, borne by both the industry and PBS applicants.
In response, HVIA contacted NHVR representatives and arranged for a teleconference with impacted members to be held the following week, and advised members accordingly throughout the remainder of the State Committee meetings.
The outcome was a joint teleconference between NHVR representatives and HVIA members in the PBS assessment, certification, and trailer-building sectors, held this week.
That meeting has provided a forum for members’ issues to be raised and solutions discussed, with a commitment to addressing each one received from the NHVR staff. More to follow.
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