RVSA implementation – Interim arrangements for RAWs and SEVS

The Department of Infrastructure has written to industry associations regarding transition arrangements for the Registered Automotive Workshops (RAWs) scheme and the Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles Scheme (SEVS).

The Department is proposing a six month period where holders of Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 (MVSA) RAW approvals will be able to continue providing vehicles under the interim arrangements.

This will minimise disruptions to small businesses, allowing them to continue providing vehicles on the interim SEVs Register, (currently processed using MVSA discretion,) while applications for approval for Model Reports and RAWs are considered under the Rules.

Other minor changes from the previous discussion paper are:

  1. A RAW approval that is in force at the commencement of the transitional period will continue in force for the whole of the transitional period.
  2. Fees for renewal will not be applicable, RAW approvals in force at the start of the transitional period will continue for the whole period.
  3. RAW approvals will continue under the old law, this also means that RAWs will be able to vary their approval under the old law and add vehicles to their schedule of approved vehicles.
  4. During the transitional period a RAW can apply to import a vehicle using the Road Vehicle Standards Rules 2019 and apply to plate a vehicle using the existing MVSA provisions.
  5. Any applications not decided by the end of the transitional period will lapse and cannot be decided. Additionally, a RAW approval holder would be committing an offence if they provided a vehicle after the end of the 12 month transitional period and the vehicle was not on the Register of Approved Vehicles (RAV).

Importantly, this change will not allow any additional vehicles to be eligible, but simply allows a smoother transition from MVSA to RVSA.

The MVSA RAW approval holders will continue to supply a vehicle inspection certificate (and hold relevant evidence to show compliance with interim guidance) using the existing system in addition to applying for a concessional RAV entry approval under the rules.

Click here to view the RVS Interim arrangements – Guidance relating to specialist and enthusiast vehicles document.

If you have feedback on the proposed changes please contact Greg Forbes at g.forbes@hvia.asn.au or 0437923755.

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