ROVER release 3.0

The Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) implementation team has been busy over the past few weeks preparing to deploy ROVER 3.0 to production.

The Road Vehicle Regulation (ROVER) system integrates all applications and approvals under the new RVSA.

ROVER 3.0 will introduce a number of enhancements and additional functionality.

The main enhancement is the ability for holders of a component type approval to be able to vary, suspend or revoke their approval.

To enable this system upgrade, it is anticipated ROVER will be unavailable from 9am on Thursday 14 January and become available again with the go live of ROVER 3.0 at 9am on Monday 18 January 2021.

You will not be able to access ROVER during this time, so please try again on another day.

Please contact the team at if you have any queries.

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