Year in Review 2019/20

The 2019/20 year has certainly presented circumstances and a business environment that no one could have predicted, nor would have wished for. That didn’t stop HVIA and its members from rising to the challenges.

Australian Government
  • Introduction of depreciation incentive measures Instant Asset Write Off (IAWO) and Backing Business Investment (BBI)
  • Achieved six-month extension on IAWO
  • Campaign to educate industry about the value of the stimulus incentives.
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator
  • New grandfathering arrangements for phasing out Class 2 Rear Marking plates saving industry over $40 million
  • Developed new tipper code and presented draft to NHVR
  • Instigated PBS Tyre Review proposing red tape reduction
  • Advocating for the latest technology and innovations in the review of PBS Standards.
Department of Infrastructure
  • Facilitated Industry debate revision of ADR 42 Trailer Wiring
  • Reduced complexity and confusion in Road
  • Vehicle Standards Act issues:
    • Approach to testing facilities
    • Registration of Component Type Approvals
    • Streamlining the implementation of Heavy Trailer Braking Standard ADR 38/05.
National Transport Commission

Recommending incentives to encourage faster take up of newer vehicle with higher productivity and better safety features in the review of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

NSW and Austroads

Supported consistent implementation of the National Written-Off Heavy Vehicle Register.

State Committees

Members engage on technical, regulatory and workforce development issues including the PBS Tyre Review, Tipper Code, ADR42/05 Trailer Wiring Compatibility and the NHVL Review.

HVIA Executive Club

Industry leaders meet regularly around Australia with guest speakers tackling thought provoking topics such as leadership, future technology and mental health.

Parliamentary Friends of Trucks, Trailers, Transport and Logistics (PFTTTL)

The establishment of the Parliamentary Friends group has created an ongoing forum to allow Federal MPs and Senators to work more closely with the road transport and heavy vehicle industries.


HVIA Chief Technical Officer, Paul Caus, responded to over 100 enquiries assisting members with a broad array of technical and regulatory issues.


The free dedicated HR and IR hotline service provided invaluable advice to a vast range of HVIA member companies.

Talk the Torque

HVIA’s weekly e-newsletter provides up to date coverage of news, issues and events for members and stakeholders with a circulation of over 3,000 recipients.

HVIA Awards Night

Shining the spotlight on industry best practice and achievements through a record 34 finalists from five award categories.

Heavy Vehicles 101 (HV101)

Prepare to educate your new employees utilizing the ‘new starter induction’ online course providing basic information on heavy vehicle topics and a vocabulary of common heavy vehicle terminology. Set to launch in September.

Australian Industry Trade College (AITC)

A strong understanding of industry’s skilling needs has led to HVIA’s alignment with the AITC to provide a national solution to the skills shortage.

IPWEA Conference

Showcased heavy vehicle technology and innovation to Fleet Managers at the IPWEA Conference to improve the understanding of changing vehicle maintenance skills.

Vehicle Manufacturing Working Group (VMW)

Instigated the development of the VMW Group to bring together schools, industry and government representatives, to map out the best practice Certificate 2 ‘in schools’ training package that will provide basic skills for students wishing to enter the vehicle manufacturing industry.

Industry Reference Committees (IRC)

Influenced decision-making on content, delivery and assessment of the AUR and AUM training packages to ensure the skills taught are definitive to industry’s needs.


The Covid-19 pandemic saw the 2020 conference cancelled; however, the new format is in place and your 2022 conference will provide:

  • Major new audience segment
  • New multi-stream format
  • Boutique exhibition based around components, innovation & technology
  • A showcase of new truck vehicles and chassis designs
  • A Drive-Day for operators to test drive new vehicle combinations
  • Hosted within a destination location
  • A compelling “Prepare your Fleet for the next decade” Conference program.
Brisbane Truck Show (BTS)

The early launch of the 2021 Brisbane Truck Show has been welcomed by exhibitors eager to reconnect with their customers.

The success of the inaugural Australian Heavy Vehicle Industry Week (AHVIW) will be further enhanced with the collective support of the Queensland Government, Brisbane City Council and South Bank Corporation, enabling events such as:

  • National Apprentice Challenge
  • Workforce development and educational hub
  • Thornycroft legacy restoration project
  • Technology and innovation Centre
  • South Bank Roadhouse and CBD displays
  • Brisbane CBD events and activations promoting the AHVIW themes:
    • Safety
    • Sustainability
    • Knowledge
    • Careers
    • Innovation
    • Community
1.75% wage increase announced

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has announced a 1.75% increase to minimum wages following its 2020 annual wage review. Commencement…

Reflections: Here’s to the year ahead

HVIA Chief Executive Todd Hacking has written to members reflecting on 2019-20 and outlining HVIA's year ahead. Dear Members We…

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