Tyre Working Group Kick Off Meeting

HVIA members are invited to participate in the first working group Web meeting for a proposed industry tyre guide.

This is a continuation of the important work initiated by the former ARTSA, which HVIA will enthusiastically take forward.

The web meeting is to be held:

Thursday 10th September, 2.00pm – 3.30 pm (AEST)


It is interesting to note that statistics published by the NHVR as a result of the 2017 National Road Vehicle Baseline study, indicated that 7.2% of road hauling units and 10.5% of trailers where found to have wheel, tyres or hub non conformities.

The NRVBS further shows that tyre, rim and hub issues are the 3rd highest non conformities for trailers, and 5th highest for hauling units.

Looking at claims data published by National Transport Insurance for 2019, it indicates that around 4% of “large loss events” (losses greater than $50,000) were due to equipment failure.

Of these failures, 52.9% were attributed to steer tyre failures, and a further 5.9 % to other tyres. In numbers, this equates to around 35 incidents. Non impact wheel end fires caused by tyres was approximately 18. In total this equates to around 6% of all large loss events attributed to tyres.

Despite these statistics, Australian regulators have been reluctant to apply additional regulations around tyres. While in the EU, TPMS has been mandatory on passenger vehicles since 2014.

Heavy vehicle and component suppliers have long been aware of the importance of tyre selection and maintenance. However, this has been ineffectively communicated to operators.

One of the issues that had been discussed by the ARTSA group had been the development of a code of practice or best practice guide for tyre selection and maintenance. It is proposed that we will use this first meeting to develop the framework for this guide.

The intention of this proposed guide is to promote best practice in tyre lifecycle management, from tyre/rim selection, in service maintenance, to end of life. This first meeting will discuss the background, the topics that this guide should cover, and create a work plan.

Web Meeting

The agenda of the meeting will be:

  • Introduction and Background
  • Work through the suggested topics as outlined in the attached framework document at a high level. That is, agree upon the scope of the guide. A copy can be downloaded by clicking on button below.
  • Work plan.

The meeting will be held via our new Webinar/Video meeting facility.

Register to attend the webinar
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