Today the NHVR published a new Class 3 notice enabling 20m long 3 axle truck and 4 axle dog trailer mass to obtain mass and dimension exemptions.
HVIA Chief Executive Todd Hacking welcomed the publication of the Notice as the next stage in the evolution of the PBS scheme.
The initially cautious attitude to their role out by road managers and the requirement that they go through the PBS scheme added cost and complexity to using these vehicles.
However, HVIA members have championed these vehicles and over time both operators and regulators across the country have increasingly recognised the value of these vehicles.
“This is a great example of how Australian design, engineering and manufacture of benchmark-setting, high-productivity combinations has become the envy of the heavy vehicle industry worldwide,” Mr Hacking said.
However, the growing popularity of these vehicle has had its share of problems along the way with bottlenecks in the PBS process slowing down uptake.
This became a particular concern for HVIA and its members in 2020 and 2021 when delays in approval caused HVIA to up the ante in discussions with the NHVR on streamlining the PBS approval process and moving established combinations out of the PBS scheme using a Class 3 notice.
“To its credit the NHVR has significantly reduced response time and the publication of this notice shifts removes the need for one of the most common PBS combinations to have to jump the PBS hoops”
“This move allows the scheme to get back to focusing on the next iteration of innovative vehicles, further enhancing productivity and safety.
“Firstly, it will increase the level of productivity within the truck and dog fleet, while simultaneously removing the burden for both industry and the NHVR during the PBS assessment process of these combinations.
“We congratulate the NHVR for listening to, and working with industry, on this important initiative.”
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