Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia (HVIA) has welcomed the appointment of the Hon Michael McCormack MP as Deputy Prime Minister and the new Minister for Infrastructure and Transport.
HVIA Chief Executive Todd Hacking says the heavy vehicle industry will continue to work closely with the new Deputy Prime Minister whose portfolio also oversees the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities and key agencies including the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and the National Transport Commission.
“The new Minister comes in at a crucial time when our industry is stretched to the limit to deliver on the Government’s $75 billion infrastructure program,” Mr Hacking said.
“We will be seeking to work with the new Minister to support the productivity and safety benefits new technology can bring to these projects.”
“Australia is home to three major truck manufacturing plants and hundreds of the world’s most innovative trailer and equipment manufacturers, producing state-of-the-art vehicles designed specifically to cater for the Australian market, utilising safety and emissions technology associated with the highest-end motor vehicles.”
Mr Hacking said HVIA would continue to advocate for improved productivity and safety by mandating safety technologies on new vehicles and incentivising trucking operators to update their fleet.
“Mandating electronic stability control (ESC) on new heavy trucks would be a life-saver, with the potential to save 148 lives and stop 1,496 serious injuries in the coming years,” Mr Hacking said.
“However, realising the productivity and safety benefits will only happen if operators update their vehicles.
“We are the midst of a period of great reform with the Motor Vehicle Standards Act, Australian Design Rules, Road Vehicle Certification Scheme, Performance Based Standards and Australian Vehicle Examiner schemes all on the table.”
“This is an exciting time for our industry and we look forward to engaging with the Deputy Prime Minister in his new role.”
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