HVIA State Committee Meetings – WA and QLD

HVIA’s first two State Committee Meetings for 2023 have enjoyed strong engagement from Members, with meetings in Sydney and Melbourne still to come.

Attendees at meetings in Perth and Brisbane participated in discussions and updates on technical, policy, and regulatory developments, including:

  • a summary of HVIA’s response to the NHVR’s PBS 2.0
  • an update of the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) implementation
  • an update on the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) review progress
  • Australian Design Rules – Proposals for 109/00 and 110/00, and the release of 80/04
  • an update on the HVSI couplings field test project

The couplings field test project generated positive discussion, with members suggesting the test apparatus should also be utilised to investigate coupling loads on other vehicle types.

West Australian members were hosted by AV Truck Services in Redcliffe.

The guest speaker for WA was David Hosie, the Manager of Vehicle Safety Standards at the Department of Transport Western Australia. David outlined how WA is planning to transition to the revised version of VSB6, which is expected to be released by the NHVR soon.

Members attending the Queensland State Committee meeting, at HVIA headquarters, heard from Gavin Hill, the General Manager of Strategy for Transport Certification Australia.

Gavin gave a succinct overview of how road managers on the east coast are transitioning to ‘Smart OBM’, which provides a more flexible mass monitoring solution than the existing Intelligent Access Program.

New South Wales and Victorian members are encouraged to register their attendance at the upcoming meetings in their respective states, as follows:

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