As a business, attending a Jobs Fair is a great way to promote your available job opportunities directly to job seekers in your local area. Do you have vacancies to fill?
Jobs Fairs allow you to showcase your job opportunities and connect with enthusiastic job seekers face-to-face (or via video conference) who could be the right fit for your business. At a Jobs Fair you can also conduct interviews and hire suitable people on the day.
The Department of Education, Skills and Employment are holding a series of fairs across the country. The first one will be held at the Ipswich Events Center on Wednesday, 14 July 2021.
There is no cost associated with being a stall holder, only a commitment to participate on the day. If you are unable to participate on the day, your job vacancies can be submitted for display on the department’s jobs boards.
To participate as a stallholder, you must have current vacancies or positions that will become vacant shortly, within your business, or provide an essential service that actively assists job seekers along their pathway to employment.
Benefits of being an exhibitor:
- Access to a large pool of skilled, trained and experienced job seekers who are ready to work
- Prospect of filling immediate vacancies and identifying future employees
- Exposure for your business to the broader community
If you are interested in participating as an exhibitor at the Ipswich Jobs Fair, please submit an exhibitor expression of interest. Expressions of interest must be received by Friday 2 July in order to be considered.
You may also like to visit the Jobs Fairs Exhibitor information page website, where there are answers to the most frequently asked questions.
If you require any further information or would like to discuss your participation, please contact the Absolute Events team on 07 3848 0089 or email or
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