Queensland based HVIA members are invited to consider trialling an apprenticeship candidate free of charge who is work ready through the Pre-Apprenticeship Program.
Recruiting for the right apprentice can be time consuming, and these candidates will undertake a combination of work placement and formal training over an 8 week period to ensure they are apprenticeship ready upon completion.
The Pre-Apprenticeship Program funding provides candidates with a fully paid training course and 8 weeks work experience.
The Queensland Government’s Pre-Apprenticeship Program provides funding to Group Training Organisations (GTO) to recruit, screen, induct and provide tailored support to individuals placed with host employers as they undertake employment-based, pre-apprenticeship training.
HVIA has been approached by Protech, a GTO who have been successful in gaining funding to deliver a Certificate 1 in Automotive Vocational Preparation course and a Certificate 1 in Engineering course.
Protech is looking for host employers to offer work experience to the individuals undertaking the training. See their information flyers.
Interested parties can contact Paul Woodland at p.woodland@hvia.asn.au.
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