Buchholz praises heavy vehicle ingenuity at HVIA Gala Awards

The heavy vehicle industry’s appetite for innovation was quenched at the 2019 HVIA Gala Awards Dinner held at South Brisbane’s Emporium Hotel on Friday night.

Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz MP praised the quality nominations competing for HVIA’s suite of awards.

“The heavy vehicle sector is a real Australian success story in manufacturing,” Mr Buchholz said.

“Some terrific innovation and designs are boosting the nation’s productivity and keeping Australia moving.”

HVIA Chief Executive Todd Hacking said the record number of nominations had created a difficult but rewarding task for the judging panels.

“A big thank you to our judges for their generous time and application of their vast industry experience,” Mr Hacking said.

“Their feedback has been overwhelmingly positive about the calibre of nominees, every one of whom should feel extremely proud to be held up in such company.

“A huge vote of thanks also goes to our event and award sponsors, particularly National Transport Insurance and Truck Assist, Warby Tools, Moreton Hire and the Langworthy Family.”

Five national awards were presented at the event.

Product Innovation Award (sponsored by NTI & Truck Assist):

WINNER: Graham Lusty Trailers – High Volume Side Tipper

  • Southern Region Winner: ASET Services – TruShu
  • Eastern Region winner: Graham Lusty Trailers

Safety Innovation Award: (sponsored by Moreton Hire):

WINNER: Cummins South Pacific – Crankshaft Adaptor Drill Kit & Crankshaft Adaptor Gear Drill Kit – Developed by Neil Kinder

  • Southern Region Winner: Cummins South Pacific
  • Eastern Region winner: Teletrac Navman – Sentinel

Community Leadership Award:

WINNER: National Transport Insurance – Truck Restoration for Motor Neurone Disease Research

  • RUNNER-UP: Scania – Women in the Workplace

National Apprentice of the Year (sponsored by Warby Tools):

WINNER: Mitcham Harper – Cummins South Pacific

  • Southern Region Winner: Mitcham Harper, Cummins South Pacific
  • North-Western Region winner: Waylon Tully from Cummins South Pacific
  • Eastern Region winner: Bill Thompson from Haulmark Trailers

Peter Langworthy Future Leader:

WINNER: Ryan Camera – Kennedy Trailers

  • Southern Region Winner: Ryan Camera, Kennedy Trailers
  • North-Western Region winner: Waylon Tully from Cummins South Pacific

Eastern Region winner: Mitchell Brooke from Daimler Trucks Brisbane

Community Leadership Award WINNER – National Transport Insurance for Truck Restoration for Motor Neurone Disease Research
Pictured – Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz MP (L) Alan Hasted (National Transport Insurance)(C) John Drake (HVIA President)(R)
Product Innovation Award (sponsored by NTI & Truck Assist) WINNER – Graham Lusty Trailers for High Volume Side Tipper
Pictured Kerrie Challenor (NTI) Graham Lusty (C) Todd Hacking (R) and the Graham Lusty Trailers crew
Safety Innovation Award (sponsored by Moreton Hire) WINNER – Cummins South Pacific for Crankshaft Drilling Plates Kit
Pictured Dan Morahan (Moreton Hire)(L) Product developer Neil Kinder (C) John Drake (HVIA President)(R)
Peter Langworthy Future Leader WINNER – Ryan Camera of Kennedy Trailers
Pictured (L-R) Todd Hacking (HVIA), Ryan Camera, Jessica Robinson (Peter Langworthy’s daughter)
Pictured Ryan Camera with Debbie and Garry Kennedy
National Apprentice of the Year (sponsored by Warby Tools) WINNER Mitcham Harper – Cummins South Pacific
Pictured (L-R) Doug Warby,  Mitcham Harper,  John Drake (HVIA President)
Pictured Kerrie Challenor, Alan Hasted and Janelle Greene, all of National Transport Insurance 
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