
This list of heavy vehicle industry acronyms is by no means complete. It does not include state regulatory agencies, not industry associations. It does however provide a handy understanding of policy and regulatory terminology.

ADR – Australian Design Rule

a specification of the rules a vehicle needs to comply with to be registered for use on Australian Roads

ARRB – Australian Road Research Board

ATSB – Australian Transport Safety Bureau

AVE – Approved Vehicle Examiner

appointed under the HVNL – responsible for approving modifications made under VSB6

AVV – Authorised Vehicle Verifier

responsible for approving vehicles under the RVSA

BITRE – Bureau of Infrastructure Transport Research Economics

CRN – Component Registration Number

approval number for components under the MVSA

CTA – Component Type Approval

approval number for Components (including subassemblies under the RVSA)

DITRDC (or DIT) – Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

the Federal Government Department responsible for the RVSA (often referred to as the Department of Infrastructure)

HVNL – Heavy Vehicle National Law

governs in service regulation of vehicles

IPA – Identity Plate Approval

approval to supply a vehicle to market under the MVSA

MVSA – Motor Vehicle Standards Act

governs first supply to market of vehicles up to 30 June 2021

NEVDIS – National Exchange of Vehicle and Driver Information System

national database run by Austroads which holds vehicle and driver data including VINS and WOHVR

NHVR – National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

in-service Regulator that operates under the HVNL

NMVTRC – National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council

NTC – National Transport Commission

does policy work on transport on behalf of Governments

Motor Vehicle Standards Act (governs first supply to market of vehicles from 1 July 2021)

SARN – Sub-assembly Registration Number

approval number for sub assemblies under the MVSA

SVSEG – Strategic Vehicle Safety and Environment Group

industry consultation group run by the Department of Infrastructure (deals with high level policy)

TIC – Transport and Infrastructure Council

State and Federal Government Transport and Infrastructure Ministers’ Meeting – normally held in May and November

also Truck Industry Council – Industry body

TLG – Technical Liaison Group

industry consultation group run by the Department of Infrastructure (deals with technical policy like ADRs)

TWG – Technical Working Group

industry consultation group run by the NHVR to deal with technical policy issues

VIN – Vehicle Identification Number

17 character vehicle identifier stamped on the compliance plate

VSB6 – Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6

the National Code of Practice for Heavy vehicle modification (called up under the HVNL)

VSG – Vehicle Standards Guide

issued by the NHVR to provide guidance on vehicle standards issues

VTA – Vehicle Type Approval

approval to supply a vehicle to Market under the RVSA (replaces the IPA)

WOHVR – Written Off Heavy Vehicle Register

holds details of damaged vehicles to discourage Vehicle Theft and rebirthing – Part of NEVDIS run by the NMVTRC

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