WA Main Roads heavy vehicle industry workshops

Heavy Vehicle Services (HVS) department of Main Roads Western Australia has announced a new series of regional workshops for 2023.

The sessions, held in regional and remote areas of Western Australia, will each feature a ‘regional update’ specific to that region, a presentation on a specific heavy vehicle policy or process, an interactive workshop, and a chance for one-on-one discussions with HVS staff. The full schedule is shown below.

GeraldtonApril 27Class 1 RAV 8 Tyre Per Axle Low Loader Overmass Period Permit (100 Tonne permit)
AlbanyMay 23Permit Applications – submitting your Single Trip application & supporting documents (e.g. vehicle forms)
BunburyJune 21AMMS – Overview of Scheme and Mass Management Module Requirements
KarrathaJuly 12PBS Scheme – Scheme Overview and Application Process
KununurraAugust 16Applying for Restricted Access Vehicle Access – What you need to know.
MetroSeptember 27Traffic Escort Services – Scheduling Solution
KalgoorlieOctober 18WA Heavy Vehicle Accreditation – know your responsibilities including 3rd Party Accreditation Arrangements
NorthamNovember 8Heavy Vehicle Licenced Pilot Scheme – Review Overview + next steps

For more information, contact the Main Roads Western Australia Heavy Vehicle Help Desk on 138 486 or email hvs@mainroads.wa.gov.au

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