A few weeks ago we told you about the new HVIA “Much more than just a job” campaign, showcasing career opportunities in the heavy vehicle industry to school leavers and other job seekers.
The campaign features in “Step in the Right Direction”, a News Corp magazine to help guide students, career changers, job seekers and people looking at upskilling to find their perfect job, course or training.
The magazine showcases options for further education, colleges, apprenticeships, traineeships, training and job seeking.
After its success in New South Wales last year, Step in the Right Direction is now being published in three separate editions, adding Victoria and Queensland.
450,000 copies of the magazines are now being distributed and you can view all three digital versions here: stepintherightdirection.com.au
- New South Wales – HVIA pp 16-19
- Queensland – HVIA pp 12-15
- Victoria – HVIA pp 14-17
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to engage with kids who are taking first steps in establishing their own careers.
Members are invited Contact HVIA Workforce Development Manager Paul Woodland to register your interest. P.woodland@hvia.asn.au
You can see HVIA’s campaign webpage here:
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