ROVER Improvement Consultation Commences

Last week the Department of Infrastructure commenced the planning for the next round of improvements to the ROVER computer system.

ROVER is the Department’s online portal for applications and approvals under the Road Vehicle Standards (RVS) legislation. See here for a summary of the major features of the rebuilt ROVER Portal.

Industry groups that had contributed to the Department’s requests for suggested ROVER improvements were invited to a meeting to prioritise these suggestions.

Attendees included Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia, Truck Industry Council, Federated Chamber of Automotive Industry, Bus Industry Council and some individual organisations that were substantial users of the system.

The input from all of the attendees was quite consistent and participating groups were able to agree on the top-20 priorities for changes from an industry perspective.

The Department will now scope the proposed changes and also consult with states and territories and other Commonwealth agencies before planning the next cycle of ROVER releases.

It indicated that it expected most future ROVER releases would involve shorter shutdowns and that it should be possible to complete them within a weekend.

HVIA will keep members informed on progress with ROVER changes as further information is released.

Related Story: HVIA Members Call For Improvements To New ROVER Portal

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