The NHVR has extended its pre-advised design approval process to cover 80 per cent of new Performance Based Standards scheme design approval applications.
NHVR Chief Engineer Les Bruzsa said A-doubles, B-doubles and prime mover semitrailer combinations would be added to the PBS scheme’s simplified pre-advised design approval process.
“Following feedback from the heavy vehicle industry we have simplified and sped up the approval process for a range of common PBS scheme combinations,” Les said.
“In March last year we started trialing pre-advised approvals for six-axle and seven-axle truck and dog combinations.
“Following the trial the NHVR and PBS Review Panel found the process was robust and reduced design approval processing times by more than three weeks.
“I’m pleased that we are now able to extend the benefits to cover other common PBS combinations and look forward to seeing more high productivity vehicles operating across Australia.”
During the trial period, the processing time for applications reduced from an average of 28 days per application to just three business days.
The PBS scheme, which has been in place across Australia for the past 10 years, provides approval of innovative and optimised vehicle designs for high productivity vehicles.
During 2016-17 the scheme continued to grow with 1,403 PBS combinations approved by the NHVR, which was a 23 per cent increase on the previous year.
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